Alex and Maddy

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Some answers and more questions

 Somehow another week has come and gone. I am not going to lie it has been a bit of a struggle bus kind of week. But first let me start with the good...

Maddy is doing phenomenal at her new barn. Her and Mandy have hit it off and I am amazed at how quickly Maddy has taken to her and is so comfortable and even talking and answering questions! I have seen huge smiles every time we are at the barn, and she cannot wait to go back. Even things that have typically caused anxiety have been "fun" and it is so good for my heart to watch! She has been so cute riding Gogo and they have done so well together, but Maddy has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new horse to try. She arrived right as Maddy's lesson was ending yesterday and Maddy got a chance to meet her and cannot wait to get to try her out on Wednesday! Maddy also has worked hard over the past month to stop sucking her thumb. It has now been about a month, and she is no longer taking Hannah anywhere! She earned herself a phone this week as that was my deal with her! We also got to spend some time with our beloved Mrs. Mitchell this week catching up and enjoying ice cream. 

Maddy and her new phone

We love our Mrs. Mitchell!

Nichole (one of Maddy's former volunteers) came to hang out and watch her ride.

Maddy and Gogo

Maddy meeting Lila

100% true

As for Alex, he is trekking along. We are catching up on a bunch of appointments that are hard to fit in during the school year. He is spending lots of time with his sister and just relaxing. He did get some hard news as his best friend and roommate is not coming back to DBU this semester. He is hoping to return in the spring. 

I have had a rough few weeks. Starting when I was at my mom's house, I could not keep my eyes open in the afternoon. I was falling asleep for hours every afternoon and that has continued. I also have been losing feeling in my fingers intermittently. I sent my PCP a message last weekend and she wanted to see me. She ran a huge slew of labs. I received those results yesterday. My thyroid is not compensating since my surgery, so the first order of business is to start thyroid replacement. But these labs also brought up some other concerns. So, while we wait for the results of the camera study which will hopefully be back in the next few weeks, she has ordered some additional studies and appointments. They have been wanting a brain MRI since January, but it has been denied 3 times. At this point it has to be done. I am hoping we can get insurance to approve it, but if not, I will have to pay out of pocket because we cannot wait any longer. I also need an MRI of my liver and have to go back to Hematology. 

The kids and I leave tomorrow for several days of appointments in Houston. I would ask for prayers for safe travels for us, good appointments and continued prayers for answers and treatment for me.

Thank you for all the ways you surround us in love and support.

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