Alex and Maddy

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Happy 20th Birthday!

 Twenty? Twenty? How is that even possible. What a life you have lived in 20 years!

To my sweet Bug-

Oh what a gift this year has been. My sweet boy after so many years of illness, heartache and hardship, this year I got to watch you live your best life and enjoy every moment. Watching you this year has been an answer to so many prayers spoken and unspoken. You have heard me talk about my time in college and all the fun I had and the friends I made, but we never believed that was a possibility for you. I have watched as you gained the independence you never had, made the most incredible friends, were loved and appreciated by professors and staff and did what you do best and inspired those whose lives you touched. I have watched you find your passions, appreciate your faith in a new way and be a good friend and student. For so many years we lived day to day, hour to hour praying for a little more time with you on this earth. This year I witnessed you dream about the future and truly believe it may be possible. And through it all you continued to find a way to encourage and love your sister and you were a huge support to me as I navigated my own heath issues. My precious son this hurting world desperately needs what you can offer. Your warmth, your kindness, your humor and your infectious joy make this world and those around you better. I pray you continue to be you, to lean into your faith and walk through life with your incredible strength and unflappable self confidence. You are my best gift and my greatest accomplishment. You are the one who made me a mother and has taught me more than anyone. I love you more than words could ever say. 


PS- You're my favorite boy!

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