Alex and Maddy

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Home Sweet Home

 We are home after our trip to visit Mimi. We enjoyed time together doing our favorite things and reminiscing about our traditions and time with PopPop creating memories.

On the 6th we took Maddy to a Tea Room.

On the 7th we hit the beach and played miniature golf

On the 8th we celebrated Alex's birthday with a dolphin cruise on the sea screamer, ice cream and a yummy dinner.

On the 9th it was back to the beach!

The 10th meant some horse time for Maddy and a quiet day for Alex.

The 11th meant another day at the beach.

Yesterday we drove go karts and played miniature golf before heading home!

This trip was exactly what we needed physically and emotionally. Time spent together laughing and creating memories and a bit of relaxation!

As this coming week marks the beginning of a new adventure, I would ask for some prayer requests. One for long awaited results and a treatment plan to get me feeling better. And most importantly for my sweet girl. As I touched on two weeks ago, Maddy is not a child who has loved and trusted easily. She has kept her circle very small, and it takes her time to build relationships. Having arguably the adult she trusted and loved most beside me, Bruce and my mom betray her and break the trust they had built over 3 years is a hard reality that she is facing. She was also taken away from a group she had learned to love and be comfortable with through no fault of her own. Please pray for her to make new connections as we join our new barn and to not let the actions of those who have hurt her impede her ability to build trust and relationships moving forward. This would be hard on anyone let alone a sweet, shy 10-year-old who is trying to find her way in an uncertain world. If you see Maddy over this next little bit, please do all you can to love on her and encourage her as she finds her way. I have reassured her that while many people in this world will disappoint and hurt us, we serve a loving God who works all things according to his plan and purpose and for our good. I am trusting that God's mercy and love will shine brightly through this transition, and we will have more opportunities to shine his light and glorify him as we move on.


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