Alex and Maddy

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

On the road again...

 As many of you saw on Facebook, our trip to Houston was a bust!! We drove to Houston last Sunday and were supposed to have an echo and Cardiology appointment for Maddy Moo on Monday morning and then see our Mito specialist with both kids on Tuesday before heading home. Maddy and I had no sooner walked into the UT Professional building at 7:05 when we were informed that the pipes in the basement had all burst causing a flood and taking out power to the whole building including all elevators, so the building was closed until further notice. To say I was frustrated was an understatement! We wound up coming home not having seen any doctors although our Mito specialist did have a virtual visit with us. So, nothing to report on that front.

As for my health we continue to wait on results. I will update as soon as I have any information.

Ms. Maddy Moo and I are getting ready to hit the road on Thursday for our longest adventure to date. When we had our first lesson at Stable Strides in the middle of June, Mandy suggested we consider attending the Palomino World Championship show in Springfield, IL so Maddy would have a chance to see how they function at shows and get her feet wet before attending NSBA Worlds in August which is always our biggest show of the year. Maddy is excited and nervous but can't wait to spend a week with her girl, Lila! We try not to ever focus on results, but rather the lessons learned, and the fun had at horse shows, but my girl always wants to do well. We have reassured her numerous times that even more, so this show is just to get used to how Stable Strides handles their shows and have time to get to know people. Plus, Maddy has had a grand total of 3 weeks of riding at SS and only 3 lessons with Lila. But boy do those girls make a cute pair and they are improving each ride as they get to know each other. It has brought me so much joy to watch Maddy so happy and relaxed as we have navigated this transition. It speaks volumes to her toughness and how far she has come. I am so grateful to Mandy for making this time so enjoyable and stress free for Moo!

Please pray for safe travels for us and I will update throughout the week!


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