Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Saturday, June 3, 2023

What a Week!

 Oh what a week this has been! This is a special time in any parent's life, but when you have been told multiple times for so many years that your child will not live to be an adult and get to experience certain milestones every single one is extra special! And so it has been as we have navigated the last several months and especially this week. It has been a little "weird" for lack of a better word. Everyone is expecting me to be sad and feel certain emotions and yet my feelings are very different. Do not mistake me, I am going to miss my son (and Zoey) desperately. We have been so much more than mother and son. We have spent almost every minute of his life together. I can count on my hands the number of nights we have spent apart. I have been his confidant, his friend, his safe place. But I am not sad. I am overjoyed at what he is about to experience. I could not be more excited for him. We both LOVE DBU and the people we have met and continue to meet are so amazing. We prayed so many times as we began visiting colleges for God to make it abundantly clear where he wanted Alex to go and where he could use him. I asked that God move mountains to make it possible for Alex to attend. We have seen those prayers answers so very obviously. 

Orientation was fabulous. Alex met his roommate and another housemate. He loved them both and everyone else he met living in Stone House and Jewel House. He is so excited to be a part of that living learning community. He registered for classes. He arranged his schedule in a way he feels he can manage his medical needs, his school work, rest and still have time for fun with his friends. We originally thought he would move in on August 16th. We were told Stone House residents move in on August 12th. Then he decided to take an extra class the week before school starts. Summer Bridge students move in on August 6th! So his next journey will begin a little sooner than expected. We have started shopping for his room.  In two months he will live on his own for his first time! What a miracle this boy is living!

Heading to the dorms to check in

Zoey was EXCELLENT both days.

Celebrating becoming an official student

Ringing the bell

Alex and his roommate, Ashton

While Alex and I spent two days at DBU, Maddy was living her best life at the barn on day one and with her best friend on day two. I am so grateful that she had a fun few days so she wouldn't miss her brother!

Maddy helping Dawn clean buckets

In the Round Pen with PD

Trail Ride


I ask that you pray with us for Alex to stay healthy and have an amazing, successful transition, for Maddy to adjust to not having her very best friend around, and continued prayers for my health as we are still working on finding a medication to control my pain and inflammation that my body can handle.

Thank you for celebrating this amazing week with us!


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