Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Monday, May 22, 2023

Special Weekend

 This weekend was SO special for both kiddos!

For Alex it was Senior Sunday at church. He didn't think Maddy and I would be there because he knew we had a horse show. We got up early Sunday morning to surprise him. Oh how I wish I had a picture when he saw us. The surprise and happiness was so apparent on his face. Keller United Methodist Church and the Pastors, Staff and Congregation have poured so much into Alex through the years. In so many ways this church has shaped him into the young man he has become. In Alex's life he has had so many hard times and disappointments of missed experience, but through the years he has only known love and it has come primarily through our playgroup that we joined when Alex was a month old and his church family. He has been shown acceptance, kindness and love in so many ways and so many times. The service was beautiful and emotional. It was so fun to watch him and his friends and parents experience this together. Some of these kids have been together at church since they were toddlers. There are not enough words to thank Pastors Chris and Molly and Pastors Jason and Estee and all of the associate pastors. Our Director of Children's Ministries Kristin Springer has loved Alex and accommodated us since Alex was 3. She is one of the most important people in Alex's life and has loved him so well. We are so grateful for our church and how they have supported us as that is not everyone's experience with churches and children with special needs. 

Alex and Dylan

Alex and Maddy

Alex and Erin are partners in crime at church!

Kristin has poured so much into Alex since he was little

Dream Team since 5th grade

Some of Alex's favorite people

Alex, Zach and Lane

Graduating Seniors 2023

Ellie is like family to us!

As many of you saw on Thursday night, Maddy was really not feeling well and I thought we might not make it to our horse show. It was a hard judgment call to make as a mom. She works so hard and she loves going to shows to compete and spend time in fellowship with our barn family. Ultimately I decided to go. She had another amazing show. She has made huge strides in her riding over the past month and it was apparent at this show. She rode beautifully. There are so many people who have encouraged her and allowed her to live her dreams. First and foremost, Tammi works so hard and constantly pours into Maddy to allow her to be her best both in riding and in life. She sees so much in Maddy and reminds her that she is amazing and God created her to be perfect in his eyes. Maddy's life is better and her confidence is growing thanks to Tammi. Sarah has been there every step of the way. She loves Maddy like a little sister. She plays with her and makes her feel special. Jeannie and Dawn have given us a barn home and are so kind and encouraging with Maddy. Three days a week they love on her and remind her that she is capable of great things. They allow her to help and be a part of everything they do at the barn and shows. Their encouragement means so much to Maddy and I am so grateful. Joy and Tracy own PD and Piper and without their generosity we wouldn't have had horses to start our new program. Not only have they given us the most amazing gift in a horse that Maddy love dearly, but they come to shows frequently to help and cheer us on. They have answered thousands of questions from me as I have learned the horse show world. And our amazing barn family, both Living hope Equine Therapy and Poco Vista Ranch...they love on Maddy, they cheer her on, we sit together and watch, we eat together and enjoy time sharing our lives. It truly is a family and our life is better because of them.

Ty is like a big brother to Moo

Dawn always has extra love for her Moo

Maddy loves PD dearly

Grandma Judy is always there for Maddy

Tracy is amazing and makes shows fun

My kids lives are hard, but also so AMAZING and that is because of the people in our lives. I could not do this without the love of so many and I am so grateful for the blessing of these people each and every day.

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