Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Friday, December 22, 2017

Baby Steps

We are still making baby steps forward. Alex's motility is slowing starting to come back. it is just a really slow process. We are able to clamp his J tube for several hours at a time now and we have some bowel sounds. Unfortunately we have had to lower the dose of the medication that has gotten things moving. His lipase was almost 1500 this morning and he is having increased pain and nausea. We will continue to try and clamp his J for longer periods of time. The next step will be to try and get his medications back to oral meds through his tube instead of all IV. We will definitely be here through Christmas, but our hope is that if things continue to move in the right direction we will be able to get home sometime next week. Alex is in much better spirits today.

Thanks to the fabulous Mrs. Mitchell (Maddy's teacher), I was able to make it home for a few hours this morning to do some things at home and take a moment to breathe. It was nice to do some "normal" things for a few minutes!

We are so very grateful for all of our friends and family. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for Alex's body to recover and his pain to lessen.


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