Alex and Maddy

Thursday, August 15, 2024

NSBA World Show 2024

 What a week this was for my Maddy Moo! As I have mentioned she set the goal for herself to compete in the Independent Division this year. And she did an amazing job, showing Lila with grace and composure and crushing her goals. She placed 4th in Showmanship, 11th in English Equitation and 13th in Trail. But as I reflect on this week it is not just the time in the arena that warms my heart, but a million tiny moments that I captured that tell the story of love and support from a barn family.

It starts at the top with a director and coach who loves her riders fiercely. A woman who knows that social skills and friendship and making sure her riders know they are loved and not anxious far outweighs trophies and ribbons. More times than I can count I watched Mandy stop the never ending "work" of preparing the horses to show to chat with her riders or answer questions or just encourage them. I watched as she took the time to be sure that each rider felt prepared and went over patterns extra times for those who felt unsure. I watched as she checked in with the parents to be sure they were good and knew the plan. I watched as Maddy felt comfortable to speak up for her and her horse knowing her opinion would be heard and valued. I see her passion being fueled and an excitement for what is to come. And I watched as Maddy felt so comfortable with Mandy that they have a bunch of inside jokes after only two months working together. 
Mandy talking to the team before trail

Mandy walking trail with some of the riders

Mandy's beautiful braiding of Lila's tail for English

It is her two selfless daughters who work tirelessly to help the horses and riders. Katie and Caroline have both grown up with horses and at horse shows, but instead of rushing through their jobs they stopped to grab Maddy and show her every part of preparing her horse. They took the time to teach and help and allow her to be a part of every aspect of the preparation and care when it would have been so much easier to just get it done. They are by her side to help with riding and learning and encouraging and to make sure she is comfortable and protected. 

Katie and Amy helping Maddy lunge Lila

bath time

Katie was by Maddy's side every step of the way



It is the other staff and volunteers who all jump in to help in any way possible to lighten the load of all. The coaches took the time to thoughtfully award each rider a medal that was personalized for them. 

Maddy's medal for bravery in and out of the arena

Maddy helping Stacie feed

It is the parents who all look after all the riders. The dads who make countless trips on the golf cart, so no riders need to walk a long way before their classes. The parents who all help the riders get ready. The parents who sit with riders while other handle horses. The parents who cheer on every rider whether they met their goals or not and console those who are upset when they didn't get the results they hoped for. The parents who take pictures of all the kids so we can remember these special moments. It is the parents all chipping in to provide lunch each day so everyone has time to eat and enjoy fellowship.

Maddy and Roxy

But most of all it is the riders who truly love one another. The little conversations, the games played together, the laughter, the smiles, the jokes, the encouragement. It was Aiden arriving each morning and asking Maddy how she was. It was Mason grabbing Maddy's hand to help her get back into the arena for callbacks when she placed. It was the older riders looking out for her and making sure she was included. It was Maddy feeling comfortable to ask questions and speak to all. It was the riders genuinely excited for each other when they did well. It was Maddy showing her past dance videos to another rider who is also a dancer. It is a group where differences fade away and all that is left is a mutual love of horses and respect for the work they put in to be equestrians.  It is all the ways they are there for one another to create a family where everyone knows they are loved and valued exactly as they are. 

Maddy and Emerson

Maddy and Stacey

Maddy and Mason

Maddy and Reyna

Maddy and Aiden

The riders playing cards

Maddy and Ana

The riders dancing

Maddy and Abigail looking at memes

The riders before showmanship

Maddy and Abigail spent so much time talking and laughing

Some of the riders before English

Horse shows are exhausting and long, but as we arrived home today my heart is so very full. I am so grateful to have found a place where joy and laughter and love are the overriding emotions of these special memories we create.

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