Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy 10th Birthday, Maddy Moo!


To my Precious Moo-
What a joy this last year has been. I love watching the young lady you are becoming. Watching you work hard, chase after your dreams and achieve your goals is so much fun. I love how passionate you are about your horses. You are the hardest worker I know, and you continue to push beyond every limitation that is set before you. You are so very kind. You take care of the people and animals who mean the most to you. You are smart. You are finding your voice especially with those that you are close to. You are finding some confidence and I love to see you begin to believe you can accomplish hard things. Keep working hard, relying on your faith and anything is possible sweet girl. I am so lucky God chose me to be by your side. I love you, little bits!

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