Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Where does the time go?

 Wow! Somehow it has been a month since I last updated. We have had our usual crazy life and I have been not feeling well which I will get to later. So here is a short synopsis of the past month!

For Alex we are focused on making sure we have everything ready for college. We have had a few meetings with DBU, have done his graduation pictures (which I can't wait to see!), and have his schedule for orientation!  I am mostly SO excited for him and what the next little bit holds, but there are moments when the emotions hit me and I reflect on how amazing this is and how far we have come. It is at these times that tears well in my eyes as this is nothing short of a miracle and I am reminded of the amazing gift of answered prayers. I cannot say enough good about Dallas Baptist University and all the ways they have made sure that this will be positive for Alex and how welcome and included they have made him feel. I truly believe he is going to thrive in his 4 years on campus. 

For Maddy as always our lives have revolved around the barn. There is truly no where else she would rather be or where she feels more comfortable. The family we have created at the barn is incredible and love her (and me) so well. They are constantly encouraging her and cheering her on. We have had another in house show, taped a segment for a news feature and spent lots of time riding. She continues to do well in school and ballet and tap. I am amazed at her work ethic and determination as she fights through pain, weakness and anxiety to achieve so much. 

As a family we attended Dance Marathon at TCU where Alex spoke for his 7th year in a row and have been to six flags. 

Medically everyone is holding there own. Both kids saw endocrine. Both Dexa Scans were stable as were labs. We will continue to watch and monitor, but for now no changes. Maddy's new bladder medication has been AWESOME! For the first time since November she is not struggling. It is nice to not have to spend our days running to the bathroom and lots of tears. We follow-up with them in May. For me, I was started on a third medication early in March. It is a chemo drug and I spent most of the past month exhausted and nauseous along with still being in pain. I am grateful that when I saw my rheumatologist yesterday he decided to change that medication to something else. I am hopeful that I will feel back to myself soon!

My dad is not doing well health wise so my sister and I are making a quick trip to see him. It will be nice to see my sister and dad as I haven't seen them in a while!

Thank you for all the prayers and love as we navigate this crazy life!


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