Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Sunday, March 19, 2023

March to the Arch 2023

 As a mother we all have dreams for our children. I would say that most people have some dreams for their kids in have children who have good values, to believe in themselves, to find what they love, and to be loved for who they are. I would say this is magnified to a degree when you have children with special needs because of how much they struggle and what they have to go through. But when this is achieved the joy is even greater. I have seen this in both of my kids, but so much so this past week for Maddy. Over the past two and a half years, I have watched Maddy thrive and grow in ways that are astounding. I so clearly see the little girl who cried every lesson for the first few months with Tammi because she loved horses and riding, but was so  petrified due to the mistakes of others. I can see the little girl who would turn her back when people spoke to her or hide behind my leg because she was painfully shy and could not look at someone when she spoke. The amount of love and encouragement, prayers and tears, and hard conversations that Tammi has poured in to Maddy have changed a little girls life. Tammi, Sarah, the volunteers and other families have loved on Maddy and taken her under their wing and nurtured her to allow her to grow in ways that I wasn't sure were possible. Maddy is a talented little rider, but I see so many moments that mean so much more. I see the smiles, I see the hard work, I see the determination, I see the way she looks someone in the eyes, I see the trust, I see the respect, I see the confidence, I see the joy, I see the sass because she knows she is loved. These are gifts that she will carry with her through her lifetime. Theses are gifts that warm my heart.  I thank God for bringing these people into our life and making my little girls dreams come true.

Maddy prays before every ride.

Look at the joy on her face

These three make an incredible team

This picture says everything about the relationship between coach and athlete

She looked right at this judge and answered his questions.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey. I cannot wait to see where this road leads. A very special thank you to my friend Cairn for capturing these special moments (and so many more). I thank God for his faithfulness and the answer to so many prayers.


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