Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Monday, November 7, 2022

World Champion

 I am not sure I have the words to express what the last few days have meant and all the people I need to thank. Several months ago Maddy went through a really hard time. She had a mistake in her biggest show of the year and was devastated. Several days later we needed to tell her that Tammi was leaving Victory Therapy Center. Her foundation was shaken. Suddenly there was so much uncertainty about how she would continue to do what she loves best. We had no answers for her other than to tell her that somehow, someway Tammi was going to find a way to continue coaching her.  Tammi and I spent so much time in prayer, praying for God to open doors and provide a path forward. One by one we saw God move mountains and open doors and answer all of our prayers. Jeannie and Dawn opened their doors to give us a new home. A barn grounded in faith and filled with peace and love and kindness. Joy allowed us to have her two horses to use and love and become our foundation. We had several volunteers agree to help us. It was not immediately easy for Maddy, but day by day we saw her blossom in our new barn. She has come out of her shell in ways we didn't know were possible. She has built relationships and speaks freely and openly. She has formed an incredible bond with Jeannie and Dawn and her horse PD. Her always solid relationship with Tammi has grown to new levels and she easily shares her thoughts, her feelings, her fears and sometimes even some sass! We have watched her ability to handle her horse grown exponentially. She can care for her horse almost completely independently. She is learning how to prepare her horse before she rides. And her riding is improving with each lesson as her confidence grows. 

All of these blessings came together this weekend as Maddy competed in her first big show since August, The Appaloosa World Show. Maddy was entered in 3 classes: Trail, Showmanship, and Horsemanship. She competed in Trail first and rode beautifully, however we unsure of her placing because they weren't announcing awards until lunchtime. 

Next was showmanship which she has only been working on for about 2 months. She was extremely nervous, but went out and was AMAZING even when her horse initially wanted to give her a hard time. She placed 5th out of 10 entrants despite being half the size of most! 

After Showmanship was trail awards, I watched as one by one the places were called. I saw the looks pass between her and her leader as they realized they were top three and then top two and then realizing they had won! I watched the tears of joy and the smiles and excitement as she felt the release of the burden lifted from the disappointment in Tulsa. My heart was broken for her 3 short months ago as she felt like her world was crashing down. To see her experience the joy of this moment shared with the people who mean so much to her was such sweet redemption. 

She still had one more ride and she went out for Horsemanship and once again had a beautiful ride. The joy of winning was just as sweet the second time. 

The trophies are not about winning. They are not about beating anyone else or riding better. These trophies represent hard work and perseverance. These trophies are about having pain every single day of your life and pushing through. They are about being scared and pushing past the anxiety to do what you love. They represent overcoming obstacles at every turn and trusting that God will help you through. They represent the love and kindness of others believing in you when you aren't sure that you believe in yourself. 

Thank you Jeannie and Dawn for giving us a home and showering love and encouragement on my girl at every turn.

Thank you Joy for sharing your precious horses with us and allowing us to help Maddy accomplish her goals.

Thank you Sarah for being there every step of the way and loving Moo like your own.

Thank you Angie for being such an amazing leader and helping Maddy trust her volunteers again. Watching your interactions and the joy shared between you two were my favorite moments on Saturday.

Thank you PK, Jessica, Kendra, Judy, Larry, Rachel, Julia, Tracy, Amy, Debbie and Ty for loving our Moo and always making her feel special and loved. Your support and encouragement help a little girl believe she can accomplish her goals.

And most especially, thank you Tammi for being our rock. Thank you for all the hours, all the prayers, all the countless hours of work. Your belief in Maddy and the love and dedication have not only made a difference in her ability to ride it has changed her entire life. She is the warrior she is because of your faith, your commitment to serve and your huge love for one little sassy red head. Moo and I owe you everything. Thank you for always being there for the laughter, the tears, the hard days and the days we get to celebrate. Most especially thank you for being my partner in prayer and making sure we always stay grounded in faith and keep our eyes fixed on our Lord and Savior. None of this would be possible without him. To God be the Glory everyday!


PS- I have started a fundraiser to allow us to continue this journey and for Tammi and Sarah to be able to touch more lives. If you would like to support us, the link is on the right side of the page. 

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