Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Friday, August 28, 2020

New Day, More of the same

 I know so many people can relate, but lately life feels a bit like GroundHog's Day. Our days are full of school, doctors appointments, ballet and horseback riding. The kids continue to play so well together and really are enjoying their time together. We all love having Mimi and PopPop so close. We are just ready for it to be safe to do more of the fun activities we love.

Medically, we have had a few appointments. Maddy saw her knee surgeon last week. We discussed the pros and cons of doing surgery now verse trying to wait. Basically, Maddy's knee has started to give out on her at times causing her to fall. The good thing is she has no pain with the dislocations. The surgery she needs is pretty invasive. It requires rebuilding a ligament as well as cutting a tendon, realigning her knee cap and reattaching the tendon to bone with screws. If we do it now, she may need a second surgery later on or it could cause growth issues within the knee. The problem with waiting is that at any point point she could have a "traumatic" dislocation that is extremely painful or completely tears ligaments. Ultimately the surgeon feels like the best outcome is to try and wait until she is over 10. We will continue to watch and reevaluate each year or sooner if any symptoms progress. 

Both kids had labs earlier this week, but I do not have results yet. 

Today we saw Cardiology with both kids for EKG's, echos and a visit with our local cardiology. Both kids had good reports. 

As for Bruce, his next appointment is the week of Labor Day. The doctor will have all test results back then and make the nest decisions on what Chemo is best to treat with. 

I had an appointment with my dermatologist yesterday and had a spot biopsied to check for skin cancer, but am otherwise doing well as I juggle the kids, care, school, the house, bills and helping Bruce. 

Maddy and I just finished her 7th week of Homeschool. She has been doing extremely well. She misses her class, her teachers and her friends, but I feel confident we made the best decision for our family in this uncertain time. Alex starts his schooling on Monday.

Thank you for your continued prayers as we continue to march forward trying to always choose joy and kindness.


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