Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Not the week we had hoped for!

The week started off really well. We have reinstated Family Fun Day! Those of you who have read my blog for a while know that we used to always doing something fun as a family on Saturday mornings. The year I was pregnant with Maddy, I was on bed rest and we had to stop. We never really got back to it as it is hard with an infant or toddler. Now that Mad is getting older we decided we wanted to go back to this tradition.

So last Saturday we spent the morning at Main Event. It has always been a favorite of Alex's. It was fun for all of us to get out and spend time laughing and playing. And no family fun day is complete without ice cream for lunch!
Deal or No Deal

The boys doing a VR game

Maddy Dancing

Sunday we had a quiet day after church. Maddy enjoyed the pretty weather, blowing bubbles and coloring with sidewalk chalk.

On Monday, Alex started complaining of not feeling well. He had some cold symptoms and a sore throat, but nothing alarming. Tuesday he continued to not feel great. We had a fundraising event at the hospital Tuesday night. The kids enjoyed the evening, especially Maddy who got to see "her bff" Mrs. Mitchell. It is so fun when two different areas of our world collide.

Alex felt pretty puny by the time we got home and woke me up in the middle of the night to let me know he had a fever. We headed off to the ER. Luckily, his flu test was negative and his labs looked pretty good. That coupled with his obvious cold symptoms made everyone comfortable with us continuing to watch him at home. While sorting out Alex, I got a call from our beloved immunologist to let us know that some of Maddy's labs were very concerning. Basically, it appears she is not making a certain kind of white blood cell. Dr. P needed us to repeat the labs immediately so we know if this actually is the case and how to proceed. So After getting Alex settled at home I picked Maddy up from school to head back to the hospital for our third time in less then 18 hours!

Alex seems to be on the mend as the number of tissues he is using is definitely trending down! We will know the results of Maddy's blood work sometime next week. We are trying to use this weekend to regroup and rest up before we start another crazy week.

In Zoey news...Beverly nearly gave me a heart attack yesterday. She called and asked if I was sitting down. Based on a call earlier this week, I thought she was calling to tell me she couldn't work with Zoey and to come pick her up. However, it was quite the opposite. Zoey shocked and impressed Beverly with her attentiveness to the samples we have provided when Alex's cortisol is low. Zoey is responding to the scent and anxious to perform when she smells it. Each positive report puts us closer to our end goal of having Zoey here and alerting to potentially save Alex's life.We continue to raise funds for the training and associated costs. Thank you to everyone who has donated, shared our fundraiser,and especially prayed with us. Zoey's Fundraiser

Praying this next week is less about medical set backs and more about creating memories!

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