Alex and Maddy

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Fun week with Gramma and Grampa

 This was a fun week with Gramma and Grampa visiting from NC. We don't get to see Bruce's parents very often, so we tried to balance some fun sightseeing with enough down time for the kids to get to hang out and show them the places they love. We went to the barn so they could meet PD and watch Maddy ride, went to DBU to tour the campus, spent some time in the Stockyards and Grapevine. They even got to experience Buccee's.

I realized that last week I forgot to share Maddy's last day of school pictures! So here are a few of those. I cannot believe my sweet girl will be in Fifth grade in the Fall!

Maddy and Brooklyn

Maddy and her teacher, Mrs. Miller

Maddy and Elizabeth

Maddy and her principal, Mrs. Cook

In December when Living Hope had our silent auction I bid on and won a special portrait session with Park Hill Fine Arts Portraits. We received our portraits this week and couldn't be happier with how they turned out!

Finally, a medical update...The kids have had quite a few appointments over the past few weeks. Overall, they are both doing well and other than a few tweaks to medication dosages and Alex's TPN we don't want to rock the boat, so we are mostly status quo. As for me, the initial bloodwork for my cancer screening had an issue with the sample so I had to have my blood redrawn. It is now being processed and we hope to have results in the next week. My camera endoscopy is scheduled for Friday, this will take pictures of my entire GI tract and should give some answers regarding the cause of the gastric wall thickening that has been seen repeatedly on CT as well as help determine if I may have Crohn's Disease. Please pray that these tests yield some answers and direct treatment so I can get back to a healthier state.

We appreciate your love and prayers more than we can say.

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