Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Monday, August 8, 2022

Summer Theater

 Anyone who knows me knows that I hate goodbyes! I am usually a blubbering mess. And reaching the end of an era with something that has meant so much is especially hard. But as you reach the end of your child's school years these occasions happen to frequently.

I am not sure there is any activity that has meant as much to Alex through the years as Summer Theater Workshop. For the past 7 years Alex has anxiously awaited the 3 weeks of Summer when he could throw himself into the theater world and not only immerse himself in the creativity of creating a character, but more importantly become part of a family. I have had the honor of watching these weeks year after year. I have watched the kids form new friendships and renew friendships from the summer before. I have watched children from all walks of life and with all different abilities share the love of performing and accepting each other. 

For our family we have watched a level of acceptance and love for Alex that we have not always seen. There were years where he struggled medically, when he missed rehearsals and some where the show was in question. No matter what was going on Alex was always made to feel special and valued and loved. Never was he given a "lesser" part in case he couldn't perform. Never was he made to feel bad when he missed rehearsals. Instead schedules were altered, friends helped out and love was shared. 

This year he shared the stage with his sister for what is likely to be the only time. She also felt the love and acceptance whether it was overcoming her shyness or her broken foot. Alex had the greatest honor bestowed on him when he was asked to take the final curtain call with his fellow senior and longtime friend and castmate. Together they bowed one last time in front of the church that has nurtured them since they were babies. Together they thanked their directors one last time. 

I will miss seeing Alex on the stage performing, but more than that I will miss his participation in a program that has loved him so well!

Elf Jr.

Bert Healey in Annie jr

King of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland Jr.

Mr. Mayor in Seussical Jr.

Mysterious Man in Into the Woods Jr.


I would ask for prayers this week...prayers for several family members and a close friend who are sick with Covid, for Maddy's foot and upcoming EEG, and for safe travels to Tulsa.

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