Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Amazing Blessings

Many of you already know that Maddy had a great horse show on Monday, but tonight I feel compelled to try and put into words the emotions of this week. 

When Maddy was born I saw the most beautiful, precious angel and I dared to dream of the future that had been stolen in many ways when Alex diagnosed with Mito and became so unstable. Just a few months later when we were told Maddy also had Mito and was at a very high likelihood of one of the complications that had killed several of our friends and almost Alex, I was devastated. I felt like my world was crumbling. However it simply isn't in my nature to wallow in my pity for long. 

From day one, I have watched this shy quiet girl conquer every obstacle set before her. This little peanut who walked with a walker with the most unsteady of gaits, dances with beauty and grace. This little girl who is scared of almost everything climbs on the biggest of horses and rides with a focus and determination that amazes me.  She works harder than most know and never quits no matter how hard something is for her. She has had obstacle after obstacle in her path and yet she continues to push forward no matter what. And yet she is never alone. I have marveled as I have watched the way in which her inner beauty shines past the shy exterior and touches everyone she encounters. 

This week I saw a coach who spent nights lying awake trying to figure out how to break through the fear and help Maddy regain her love of riding. The coach who Maddy has absolute trust in. The one who loves her and encourages her on the hard days and pushes her relentlessly on the days she can do more than she believes. A coach who has not only loved my girl fiercely, but prayed over her continuously. 

Maddy thinks Tammi is the BEST! No matter how scared she is, she trusts Tammi enough to do whatever she asks! (Although she may hiss first!)

I saw the other coaches and volunteers from Victory who are always there with a hug, a quick joke to make her giggle when she is nervous and never ending encouragement and cheers. They are the ones who put up with her incessant requests to help with "her horses" whether it means tacking, grooming, mucking, feeding. They are there every step of the way helping her be her best and believe she is capable of whatever she sets her mind too.

This week those coaches and volunteers put in more hours than I can begin to count making sure the riders and horses had everything they needed to succeed.

Ginny is Maddy's comfort zone and one of her very favorite volunteers. Not to mention a pretty awesome dancer and cheerleader!

Sarah has the best heart and is Mad's biggest cheerleader

Becky loves her girl and is determined to get her talking!

This week Maddy rode an incredible horse that was so generously donated by a mother and a daughter. They then came to the show to cheer our riders on and when Gabby rolled in her stall and was covered in shavings, they were the first ones to jump in brushing her and getting her ready for Maddy's last event. 
Giving Gabby love pre-show

Western Pleasure

This week as we once again added a new diagnosis to Maddy's ever growing list, I can look around and see and feel God's presence all around us. I see it in a little determined red head who can whisper scripture verses to you. And I can see it in all those she has touched and brought into our life. My prayer for as long as I can remember has always been that my children can shine a light on God's goodness and grace in any circumstances. This week so many prayers have been answered.

You see for me this isn't about blue ribbons. It is about a little girl who works relentlessly to achieve her dreams. A little girl who doesn't let fear and pain and illness stop her. A little girl who loves with her whole heart. A little girl who's perseverance and strength and bravery amaze me daily. I am so proud of the little warrior she is.


Maddy and Emerson- Sweet teammates who cheer each other on through everything!

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