Alex and Maddy

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Heartbreak and Goodbyes

 It was with broken hearts that we learned our precious P.D. is no longer with us this week. And while we are so very sad, we are also grateful for the memories and that she is not in pain. Maddy and I have spent some time reflecting on all the good times and lessons learned. 

P.D. was Maddy's horse and partner for two years. During that time, they loved each other dearly and built a bond that was so beautiful to watch. PD was not easy. She was the Marish mare you have ever met. She either liked you or she didn't. If she didn't like you, she wouldn't do ANYTHING you asked. But even for those she loved she would frequently spook at the ghosts only she would see as we joked. She would frequently throw her head up or test Maddy by trying to go the opposite direction she asked. But despite it all Maddy loved her fiercely. I watched PD teach Maddy so many life lessons. She learned that love isn't always easy. She learned more determination and perseverance than I could imagine. She learned not to hold grudges. She learned often victories don't come in the form of ribbons and trophies. She learned about caring for your horse through their pain and injuries. And this week she learned that sometimes the hardest goodbyes are the ones you never get to say.

In so many ways, Maddy is the rider and determined warrior she is thanks to the years spent with her Precious Dove. Always in our hearts...