Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

One week Post-op

 I wanted to get out an update as I had my one week follow-up with my surgeon today.  It was a bit of a mixed bag, but definitely more good news than bad.  He started by filling me in on what he found during surgery (I didn't get to speak to him after as I was still asleep). 

As he started the surgery he assessed the entire knee. Luckily the meniscus and all ligaments looked perfect (as we expected). Almost all areas of the knee looked great until he got to the patellofemoral area. When he reached this area he found quite a bit of damage. It was Grade 4 chondromalacia which means that there is complete loss of cartilage with exposed subchondral bone. No wonder I was having so much pain! He cleaned it up so hopefully that will help. But he realized that my knee cap was sitting at a big tilt and if he did not do the lateral release and try to fix the positioning we would be back in the same position in a short matter of time. So he made the decision to do the release knowing it was going to mean a longer, harder recovery, but potentially better long term results. He was able to get the knee cap in a "better" position, but without breaking bones and cutting tendons and using plates and screws there is no way to completely fix it. 

As for today, he was really pleased with how well I am doing. Most people at this point are still not really weight bearing. I am able to walk short distances and get myself around. The swelling is MUCH better than a few days ago although there is still swelling and bruising. While he didn't give me a long list of restrictions he needs me to pay attention to my body and not overdo it as I am likely to do. He is also concerned I could develop blood clots.  He wants me to still be taking it easy and icing and elevating as much as possible to help the pain and swelling. He gave me two exercises to do while I am icing. I am allowed to leave my knee unwrapped when I am sitting around at home, but need to keep it wrapped for walking. They removed the stitches and replaced them with steri strips that need to stay on for two more weeks. I am still not allowed to do any exercise other than walking short distances and still no driving until my follow-up in 3 weeks! At that time we will also discuss starting therapy.

I did get out yesterday for the first time and spent some time at the barn which was exactly what I needed as it is hard for me to be so isolated in the house! Last night my knee was killing me, but I felt so joyful and peaceful. It was exactly what I needed! 

A HUGE thank you to my Busy Mom's Bible Study for keeping us fed this week, To my prayer partners for keeping me on my butt and distracted and sane (well as sane as I usually am) and to Mimi and PopPop for helping with Moo and helping with driving. It truly does take a village and I am so very grateful for mine over the past week.

I appreciate every one who has prayed for me. I ask that you continue to pray for my recovery and healing. 


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