Alex and Maddy

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Milestones and growth


Alex and I last night

Over the past year and a half, I have watched in awe as Alex has reached milestones and conquered firsts, we never could have dreamed were possible. This morning marked yet another one. Alex is flying out this morning with 4 professors and 19 other students to spend a week in Boston touring historical sights, going on a harbor cruise, seeing a few ivy league schools and taking a trip up the coast to Maine. This morning as I kissed him goodbye, I was overcome by the miracles God has worked in his life to make a day like today possible. This is the prayer I prayed over him:

Gracious and Loving God- Be with Alex today and throughout this week. Surround and protect him. Let him feel your presence around him. As he looks around this week and experiences new amazing adventures, may he be reminded of what a gift these days are and the miracles you have worked in his life. Lord, I pray that his life and his story glorify and praise you as he continues to impact those around him through his words, his actions and his joyful spirit. In your precious name.


I told him I hope he has the time of his life. If only we could all have his determination and courage. He signed up for this trip because it sounded fun and interesting. He doesn't know anyone on the trip. But I know the end of the week he will likely have a handful of close friends, and he has already made a strong connection with one of the professors. What a blessing it is to be his mother!

My Maddy Moo has hit some pretty big milestones this week as well. This week she has begun Cantering and is now cantering (English) and loping (Western)in every lesson, even group lessons! This from a girl who 4 months ago was too scared to even ride in an English saddle and often cried when asked to take part in group lessons. Mandy has made such a huge difference for Maddy. Her kindness, her encouragement and her no pressure approach has led Maddy to get back to total joy while riding and having very little anxiety at the barn. She continues to work hard and is making huge strides all the time. One of the things Mandy does that is different is when her riders reach a certain level if they lease horses and ride multiple times a week one of their rides is a "pro ride". During this ride they are asked to plan and make decisions and work with their horse on what they would like or feel they need to work on without being told what to do. Mandy (or another coach) is there for safety or to answer questions, but the riders are in charge. This week Maddy had her first pro ride, and it accomplished exactly what we hoped. Maddy struggles to make decisions because she doesn't want to make the "wrong decision". I let her know that Mandy would not be mad at her for any choices, but if there was something she didn't agree with she would explain to Maddy why a different choice would be better. When we got in the car on Thursday following her ride, she was so proud of herself. She said," Mommy, I did it. I made most of the decisions!" As I have said many times therapeutic riding is about so much more than learning to ride. It is these life skills that are so important. Our switch to Stable Strides has been amazing in every way. I am reminded that while change is hard, God's plan is always for our good and what a beautiful example this is. 

This week please pray for Alex to have an amazing time and for his health to stay stable (and that he remembers to send his mother pictures)!


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