Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Most Amazing Trip

 I am not sure I have adequate words to describe this past week. It was perfect in so many ways. Flathead Lake, Montana was without a doubt the most beautiful place I have ever been. And the Flathead Lake Lodge was the most special place we have ever stayed. The activities were fun, but it is so much more than that. It was the attention to every detail. It was the staff that were the most warm, loving, accepting people. It was the family atmosphere and the community with other families and staff alike that left me in tears multiple times throughout the week. Just as I know my words cannot do justice to this place, the pictures definitely do not capture the beauty in person. It was truly the trip of a lifetime and we hope to be able to return one day!

Sunday- We arrived right around lunchtime. After a quick lunch we explored the property on the golf cart they provided to ensure that the kids could conserve their energy for the fun activities. Our trip almost came crashing to a halt before we got started as Maddy dislocated her knee pretty badly and was in tears as we tried to get on the golf cart. Luckily, riding didn't bother it and we just limited her walking for the first few days especially on any stairs. Late afternoon we had lodge orientation, barn orientation and our first trail ride. I was shocked at the terrain on the trails as it was extremely steep and rocky. That first ride was a little scary for all involved as we learned to trust that the horses would keep their footing on the downhills!

Maddy was so excited as we turned in to the driveway!

In front of our cabin

The view from our cabin

Exploring on the golf cart

Ready for our first ride- Maddy on Tundra

Alex on Taquito

Up the first hill

When I first found out we were selected for the trip, one of the really exciting things was that my friend Bridget (who is the Director of our chapter of Hopekids) would be attending with her family as the Hopekids staff member. We decided we wanted to start our week by praying over our trip. So we met really early Monday morning to watch the sun rise and pray together. It was an amazing start to our week. And I am so grateful we got that time. The rest of Monday consisted of a Trail ride for me, Alex and Maddy while Bruce went on a bike ride. After our Ride, Alex had some quiet time and Maddy went for a swim. Then Maddy headed to the Junior Wrangler Program before we all went on a sailboat ride. After dinner, Maddy, Bruce and I went on another Trail ride and saw the sunset before crashing for the night!

Maddy and Phoebe chatting

Alex on Spud, his favorite horse

Maddy on Bubbles

Our first time to the Lookout

Heading Down

Proof I rode (On Anchor)

Maddy loving on Splash

Maddy and Phoebe grooming Keesha

From the Questa (51 ft Sailboat)

Evening Ride

Maddy's first ride on Bishop (her favorite)

Sunset over the Lake

Tuesday was another jam packed day and the only other time we had a medical issue during the week. Bruce, Maddy and I left the cabin at 6:45 to ride up to a breakfast camp and enjoy breakfast before heading back down the mountain. Alex was going to get up at 9:00, give himself meds and head to shooting clays. As we had just begun to descend the mountain, Alex called me and said he had a problem with his port and couldn't unscrew the fluids to fix it. Luckily all staff carry walkie talkies and I was able to have them radio the paramedic and nurse to go help him. The breakfast ride was incredible (and VERY cold) and we had a chance to connect with several more families. After the ride, Maddy spent some time with Leona, one of our favorite staff members while Bruce and I took a tour of the lake on a Seaplane!!! After lunch we all went on a Pinzgauer tour into the Elk Preserve where we spotted 5 Bull Elk. After the tour, Maddy wanted to squeeze in another trail ride before we met the photographer for family photos. After dinner was a wrangler rodeo. So fun to watch our "new friends" and fearless trail guides compete. 
Ready for the Breakfast Ride

Back on Bishop

I rode Chimichanga

All the horses tied up at Breakfast Camp

Delicious breakfast

Maddy and Ms. Jodi

Bishop's Heart Marking

Garrett (one of our favorite wranglers) helping Maddy mount

Bruce riding Buster

Heading back

Did I mention Mad did a lesson too?

The sea plane

Maddy watching us take off

Dance Party on the yoga platform

Views from the Plane

Maddy and Leona


Bull Elk

View from a Lookout Point in the Preserve

Alex and Dax, his favorite employee

Bridget and I managed to get a photo together!

Heading out on Nikki

Ready for Pictures

Wednesday started in an unexpected way. Bridget had a family emergency in Minnesota. Her oldest daughter and Husband were already scheduled to leave the lodge to return to work and school. Kaia, her youngest did not want to leave. Bridget asked if Kaia stayed if I could keep an eye on her. We were so happy to "adopt" Kaia for the rest of the trip and Maddy thought she was in heaven with another girl around! 
Wednesday when we arrived at the barn for our trail ride, we realized it was just the two of us. Maria, one of the wranglers knew Maddy was a good rider so we went on our longest, hardest trail ride. It was an awesome two hours on and off trails and even into the canyon! The boys spent the morning playing Laser tag and formed even more friendships among the way. The girls explored and swam in the afternoon while the boys headed back to shooting clays. Wednesday was the traditional Steak Fry. It was so fun to take old fashioned fire trucks to a camp in the woods and eat a delicious meal and spend more time with everyone. 

Back on Bishop

In the canyon

Maddy and Maria

Painting Bishop

Maddy and Crosby, the owners dog.

Kaia and Maddy at kid camp

Alex shooting Clays

Alex and Rick


Heading to the Steak Fry


Heading back to the lodge

Thursday was our last full day at the lodge. We started early with more family photos. As with most mornings, we headed out on a trail ride, our last. Bruce went on a final Mountain Bike Ride. After the trail ride we had a little down time and then headed out on another Pinzgauer tour before ending our time with a Party in the Pasture and Mouse Races. There were many hugs and tears as we said goodbye to many of our friends. 
Alex and Garrett

Last ride on Bishop

Alex on Inca

At the Lookout

I rode Ombre

Maddy and Kaia

Dancing at the Party in the pasture

Beautiful Sunset

Maddy with Katherine and Carson

Friday morning many families were gone before we woke up, but we were able to say some final goodbyes to staff members. 
Alex and Fireman Bill

Maddy and Ali who fed her all week.

Sad to head home

I hope you can get a small sense of how amazing this week was. The kids smiles were priceless. They had experiences they had never had. They met other kids with a huge range of medical issues and yet there were no barriers. They were just a bunch of kids and their families from all of the country given an incredible week to "just be kids" away from the challenges they face everyday. A week to make friends and laugh and create memories to last a lifetime. It is a week we will never forget. We could not be more grateful to HopeKids, Flathead lake Lodge and the amazing sponsors who made this week possible. 


PS- On top of all the other incredible things...there were a photographer and videographer with us all week documenting our time. Paul and Josiah were both amazing and spent so much time getting to know everyone. More pics to come once we see Paul's!

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