Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Sunday, May 16, 2021

A Crazy Few Weeks

 The last few weeks have been busy and crazy and I find myself wondering where the days and weeks go! We have had a mix of medical and fun, good and bad, and lots of busy!

Let me start with the not so fun house update...At the end of April we had a pretty nasty severe storm with large hail. As with most homes in our area we are working through the insurance process as we need a new roof and gutters. We are so fortunate compared to many, but house repairs are never fun (or cheap)! 

Several have asked for an update on Bruce. He finished his last round of Chemo in late March. We just completed the endoscopic ultrasound of his pancreas to assess several "spots" that were seen on a scan. We received good news from that procedure as the spots were so small they could not even be aspirated to biopsy. The plan is to do an MRI of the Pancreas every 6 months and follow-up if needed. Bruce has his other 6 month scans coming up in June and his first colonoscopy since his diagnosis in July. Please pray for good results from these scans. Assuming all looks good/stable he should be done with visits and scans until December. 

I have had some dental/oral surgery issues my whole life (Don't even ask me the amount of oral surgery I had as a child). The last two visits to my dentist they let me know that I needed to see a specialist to address some concerns and avoid more issues down the line. I will be having oral surgery/procedure in June. I was not planning on this and obviously dreading it, but I am glad I am going to get it over with and hopefully be done for a while! 

Alex is...Alex. I'm not sure. He is having some good days and he is having lots of days where his stomach pain and nausea limit his ability to do the things he wants to do. I wish things were easier for him, but I often here raucous laughter coming out of his room as he plays video games with friends. He loves big. He loves to watch tv shows with me and play with his sister and visit with Mimi and PopPop. He is really enjoying school and actually asked to take a class and possibly two over the summer. He auditioned for Summer Theater Workshop this week and is excited to work on a show again. 

Maddy Moo had some testing this week as we try to get to the bottom of some symptoms that we cannot figure out. Every time Maddy exercises she is nauseous and fatigued after and getting extremely pale. This includes three times a week of Horseback riding. We are trying to figure out what is going in so we can attempt to help her feel better. No One should have to feel sick from doing their favorite thing in the world. She also continues to have daily knee and ankle pain. In other news, Maddy had her visitation day at her new school and LOVED it. She had a great morning and the report from her teacher was that she did amazing. We are about to finish up first grade and Maddy is so ready for the summer especially August. She was already looking forward to school and our big trip, but this week she was asked to participate in the National Snaffle Bit Association World Show! She is excited (and a little nervous) to experience her first big horse show! We will have a few fundraisers over the summer to help offset the cost of the show and travel and so Maddy has to "work" to earn some of the cost. More to come...

Ice Cream with Mimi, PopPop, and Aunt Kim

Always BFF's

They really do love each other

Lunch in the Stockyards

Mimi's Girl

When there is lightening you get to Muck stalls!

Brave Girl

Mother's Day

My Mini me

Mia and Zoey

Zoey after her haircut

Maddy's Visitation Day

My Handsome Boy

Hart and Mad

Best Brother Ever

Gifts from  Hopekids Birthday Party

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