Alex and Maddy

Alex and Maddy

Friday, April 23, 2021

Exciting News About Next Year

The past two weeks have been the most "normal" weeks in a year. Our days have been filled with school, ballet, horseback riding and dog training. We also got to go take our annual bluebonnet pictures. It is MUCH easier at this point in life than several years ago!

We also came to a big decision this week. I have struggled much over the past year grappling with how I want to proceed with school for Maddy. After 12 years of homeschooling Alex it is hard to wrap my brain around Maddy being in public school five days a week. We have also seen Maddy truly thrive this year with some extra rest and some dedicated time doing what she loves most. As I spent time thinking about Maddy, her personality and what is best for her and our family, I started to realize I wasn't sure that Public School was the answer. Also, some of our doctors are still not comfortable with Maddy returning to school in August. With all of that going through my brain, I decided to pray for God to make a clear path for me. I reached out to several friends who have chosen different routes. I researched options online and I prayed. Kind of spur of the moment I decided to visit an info session at a small Christian private, university model school. University Model schools meet in person 2-3 days a week and then the kids are home the other days to complete assignments. The school and the families partner to teach the kids. It is a cool compromise between school and homeschool. I left the info session yesterday feeling like it is the PERFECT model for Maddy. Her class will have a max of 14 students. She will attend 2 days a week. If she continues on she will have the same classmates and friends throughout school. They instill Christian values and will provide Maddy the smaller more intimate setting that she thrives in. I am a little concerned about the financial aspect of private school, but I know in my heart this is the best choice for Maddy. Thank you to my Mom and the handful of friends who let me talk through all my feelings and fears yesterday and help me realize it is what I want for her. Every single friend and family member I talked to thought it sounded like the perfect solution. And so with a peaceful heart I applied this morning and Maddy will have her assessment Monday so we can officially enroll. Maddy is SO excited to go back to school and keeps asking when she can start. 

Please pray with us that Maddy finds a love of learning and makes incredible friends at this new school. Pray for me to have peace in this decision and not stress over the money. 


Pictures Courtesy of Tina W. Photography!

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